What is on your nightstand this summer? What are you reading? Who is your current favorite author? What are your recommendations? Please share your newest reading finds with me.
M. SasekDo you read on your commute to work or listen to audio books?

Do you have a special reading spot?
Rembrant's The PhilosopherWhat genre to you read most often; fiction, biography, self-help...?

Remember those summer reading programs the library always sponsored?

What kind of book do you consider a great read for the beach?
all pictures courtesy of Google images
I always have a stack of books on my bedside table. I read alittle every night before I go to bed. The last book I sat down and read straight through was the last Harry Potter book. I haven't read any others but this last book I wanted to see how she concluded the story. It was a fun read if you like the series. I like to read poetry. Books about gardening, not how to books but more general thoughts about gardening. Travel books. Magazines about same. I don't go to the beach often and wouldn't lie there and read because I am allergic to too much sun. I will be curious to see what everyone else is reading.
ReplyDeleteThere are about 25 books waiting to be read .. one thing you can count on is that none of them are NON Fiction.. except the one I am reading now which is David Sedaris latest romp ... my fav authors are Greg Iles, Robert Ferrigno, Elizabeth George, John Sandford, Elmore Leonard, Michael Connelly .. and those are just off the top of my head .. there are many more.. and I sometimes read on the way to/from the office on the bus and/or subway.. but I do not like audio books, they put me to sleep
ReplyDeleteOn my night stand as I type this is Luanne Rice's, Firefly. It is a fictional story based in New England.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite reading spot depends on the seasons. Summer, it is outside under a blue sky. Winter it is curled up with a cup of coffee or tea, under my favorite blanket! Wow, do I sound exciting!
I really like light reading, something that takes my mind away from everyday life. A little mystery or suspense is fine. I like happy endings!
I just finished "Julie and Julia" in anticipation of the movie. But I'm pretty lax about my selection of reading materials. I finally got tired of reading books that made me sad, so I've been giving into fluff: Sherryl Woods, Susan Mallery, Susan Wiggs...
ReplyDeleteHi there my sweet friend! Where is my summer going is what I'd like to know? Well this weekend I can definitely say I was living it but wow, only a month left? lol
ReplyDeleteWell my nightstand has audio CD pack of Jane Austen's Mansfield Park - I won it last summer on the Austen blog and absolutely love it! I listen to it to fall asleep by and then glenty pull the earplug out of my ear when I'm on the verge of sleep. Zzzzz
My other book this summer has been Fresh Brewed Life by Nicole Johnson. I've been leading it as the Summer Book club at my church for our womens ministry, only 2 weeks left to go. It's been GREAT! Words can't express it really. God is faithful ya know?
The other books I have stacked up are again all the Jane Austen novels... Persuasion, Pride and Prejudice, Emma, etc... all of them. I am determined to master the language! Reading that era and style of english literature is soooo different from how we (americans) speak today that it can quite difficult for some. She writes with clauses, and sub clauses and sub-sub clauses! ha ha I fell into that category as I had such a difficult time years ago when I started. That's why I LURVE my audio CD because the reader is british and her accent is just puuuuuurfect and helps me train my brain to how to do it on my own when I am reading it.
Funny enough, these books have been on my nightstand for over a year. I just read them over and over. It's like watching a favorite movie over and over again, I don't get tired of it.
I have a stack of library books on the bottom shelf of my book case. I read in my room, or outside, or anywhere that isn't too loud. The reading programs are the best, because I get to see what all of the little kids are reading and give them prizes (I'm a volunteer). Reading is the best ever.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to say that I do not read as much as I used too. I love anything by Child & Preston and own almost all their work.
ReplyDeleteThese days I am being read to by the Irishman every evening.;)) Right now we are reading Edgar Allen Poe.
You always have such great ideas for posts.;)
Well Stevie, there are about 70 books in my TBR stack at present. They cover nearly all genres. I am reading a cozy,cute mystery right now one of my followers wrote.I'm heading for the best seller list next as two in my stack are on there. Lately reading has become a bedtime only thing with so much going on around here. I'm actually praying for winter to get here so I can read more!!
ReplyDeleteI've got a sack full of unread books. The next on my list is Inkheart. My oldest granddaughter gave it to me. She read it and wanted to share it with me. It is a pretty thick book so I'm proud of her for reading the whole thing.
ReplyDeleteYes, we do have mosquitoes here in New England. They are not that bad though. At least they do not seem to like me, my husband seems to be a favorite.
Books ??? I can't keep up with the blogs !!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a fun post Stevie! I love seeing what others are reading.
ReplyDeleteI visit my local public libray every week and always come home with too many books ..lol I seem to have to look at every new cookbook and I enjoy a lot of non fiction. A few novelists that I enjoy are Anita Shreve, Elizabeth Berg, and Sue Monk Kidd, and I read everything that they write.
Lately I've been reading a lot of history, as I've been reseaching the Revolutionary War's Battle Of Brooklyn for a future blog post. I'm fascinated by all the local spots I've passed in Brooklyn every day that I did not know their history in this battle.
oh this could be a veeeeeery loooong comment but i see i'm in good company. i'm currently reading the outlander by gil adamson and enjoying it. i've laughed out loud a few times.
ReplyDeleteother recommendations:
me & emma by elizabeth flock
the road by cormac mccarthy (NOT for the weak of heart)
diana gabaldon's outlander series
the whistling season by ivan doig
lightning by deam koontz
all things anita shreve
i love all of barbara kingsolver's books and all of jodi picoult's books
i could go on and on!!
I'm almost finished with "Little Dorrit" which has taken me much longer than I thought it would to read...my TBR stack is huge but I will pick a quick read for the next book for sure!