Saturday, December 12, 2009

Naughty or Nice

Look who I saw today. He was gassing up his sleigh at the Shell station. I gave him my list. He says since I've been good, he's sure he has some presents for me in his bag of goodies. : )


  1. Awe, this is so, so, SO cute! GREAT picture of you both! You are so pretty my beautiful sweet friend! Those warm tones are perfect for your complexion and with the RED next to ya, you POP!

  2. I agree, this should be your christmas card. CUTE.

  3. Aww...that's adorable! Glad you aren't getting a lump of coal!

  4. Great photo and SO convenient to have Santa right there while you're filling up!

  5. Ah, what a great picture!!! Lucky you, I have never met Santa.;)

  6. Ho ho ho! How cute. It looks like Santa is feeling better since his little mishap over in my neck of the woods. :)

  7. aaaaw that's such a cute photo of YOU, but who's the old man?? i think they should start making santa's no older than thirty!

  8. Soul, literally he was gassing up his vehicle at the pump next to us yesterday. I jumped out of the car and asked if I could take his picture. He posed with Rachel and Elijah too. He said he had just come from a party in a nearby community.

  9. GREAT picture of you both! You are so pretty my beautiful sweet friend! Those warm tones are perfect for your complexion and with the RED next to ya, you POP!

    Work from home India

  10. Stevie, you look so good. I love your hair and this is a great idea for next year's Christmas cards. 2010 we will meet. I will take your challenge.

  11. YOU TALKED TO SANTA?!!!! Wowsers. Lucky duck!


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