...was the day I realized that I had a 14 year old son that I had to figure out how to make obey me.
Of course, I had been making him mind me since he was a toddler...but on this particular day he needed discipline that I felt was out of my realm of know how. He was as big as me. He had gotten in trouble on the school bus. I didn't know what to do to ensure he wouldn't do the same thing again.
It was a flashbulb moment of life. I remembered being 14 myself as if it had only been the week before. How could I get a 14 year old to do as I said? So, I did the only thing I could think of doing. I fervently asked God for help and wisdom. And shortly thereafter I had an idea that was totally not me.
After telling the bus driver what I planned on doing, I told my son that if he couldn't ride the bus and police his own behavior his mommy would have to ride the bus with him in order to make him behave. I was completely prepared to do it, but oh how I hoped I wouldn't be forced to follow up. I would have been just as humiliated as my son. But, I wasn't about to let him know that.
Well, we had other clashes through the years, but never one regarding proper behavior on the school bus. A few years ago I mentioned the incident. He said he was going to run away if I'd ever tried riding the bus with him...I retorted that I'd noticed he'd never gotten in trouble on the bus again.
He has children that will be 14 before too many more years pass. I hope he'll remember to pray when he doesn't know what to do with them.