Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some Funk for You

A seen at a very funky Mexican restaurant tonight.

I haven't seen one of these since the that a Smurf?

Mellow Mushroom for lunch?

How about a traditional English Tudor to prove we haven't gone all crazy down here in the South?

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Look how curly his hair is getting. 

I can't resist those curls because they remind me of son #2's hair when he was that age. 

Eleven grandchildren with curls....but still not as curly as his uncle's were. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Random Photo Day

Seen as I sat at a traffic light. He posed long enough for me to grab the camera.

Enlarge this one so you can get a good look at what's looking back out at you from the windows.
As seen one afternoon last week. I love the play of the light on the leaves and limbs. It sparkled.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Interior Decorator Position Available

Work space in dire need of total overhaul on a very limited budget. Looking for just the right person.  Must love your work and be willing to design on a dime....literally!

While I'm busy interviewing potential designers and considering their space planning and furniture's a look at what I've tried to do with the space:

In lieu of a window, I've tried to bring some outdoors inside.....I'll need more if I'm going to succeed.

It's Nice to be Green and Other Things

Just a little something I see everyday.

Hope you're having a verdant St. Patrick's Day!

(This is a mosaic re-post from last March 17th.)

Today is my baby's 27th birthday. Happy B'day son!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

More Springish Signs

The forsythia is blooming in the backyard....or the yellow bell as we call it here in the South.

Saturday-on the deck in the late afternoon sun. 

Watching this fellow play with sticks.

Listening to chimes.

Sitting on dining room chairs-because I gave my outdoor set away.

Being gifted.

Trying to take pictures of this little fellow, but the sticks just kept getting in the way.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cut and Paste

I cut and pasted a little postcard today.

I also made two little books, to use as letters, out of game cards and tags and bits and pieces, but I sealed them both in their envelopes before I thought to make photos.

I'll have to make some more, because they were cute.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Pinball Wizard

Anyone old enough to remember when we played pinball instead of video games?

The memory came to mind this morning via a strange route.  Let me start at the beginning. I wanted a big weekend style breakfast...waffles with bacon and butter and lots of syrup.  As a nod to healthy eating, I decided to wash some blueberries and top the waffles with them.

And that is where it all began.  I grabbed a full carton of blueberries to take it over to the sink. Hmmmm, wasn't closed. Blueberries spilled out all over the kitchen floor, rolling willy-nilly over and under everything.  So, I retrieved my new nylon broom and began sweeping them into a pile....well, I began trying to sweep them into a pile. 

This is the point in the story where the blueberries take on a life of their own. Each movement of the broom propelled berries in every direction. Some went forward, some backward.  Some shot under appliances and some rolled back out into view again. Some got stuck in the bristles of the broom only to break loose and shoot off independently at the very moment I thought I finally had them all ready to sweep into the dustpan.

It was then that I was reminded of  the late 70's. We were standing in the pizza parlor waiting for our order to be done. While we waited we fed the pinball machines, playing game after game.  I was no expert. I would pull the spring and silver balls would be propelled upwards. Then I would snap the flippers manically trying to prevent the balls from dropping into the slots at the bottom of the machine which would end the game.

This morning as my broom propelled blueberries randomly around the kitchen floor I was reminded of the sight of those long gone pinballs and the dinging that each would make as it hit a target.

Finally, I corralled the wayward blueberries, tossed them in the trash, washed the ones that were left in the carton and topped a plate of steamy waffles with them. They were good and so was the memory.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Who Sits Around Thinking of This Stuff??

Email forwards....who writes these things?
Is it a bunch of people?
Or is it just one frustrated writer?
I usually don't read them and I never forward them, 
but this one made me smile.


A thief in Paris planned to steal some paintings from the Louvre

After careful planning he got past security, stole the paintings and made it safely to his van. However he was captured only two blocks away when his van ran out of gas. When asked how he could mastermind such a crime and then make such an obvious error, he replied, "Monsieur, that is the reason I stole the paintings...."

"I had no Monet

To buy Degas

 To make the Van Gogh!"

See if you have the DeGaulle to send this on to someone else. 

I sent it to you because I figured I had nothing Toulouse.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Magpie 56

for he who loves it
and she who does not,
the strength of the clove
welds its power to part
unless both get smart
neither will win
give up, just dig in
otherwise, repelled one will be
And forever will think
"Life really stinks!"

Read more Magpie Tales here.

Lucky Me!

Check out the collage packet giveaway gift that arrived in my mailbox today from collage artist, Susie LaFond. My two favorite bits are the orginal piece of her work (see bottom right corner of photo) and the old ledger page. I love that penciled handwritten list. I'm crazy about the fabric heart too...and the wax paper bag of flowers...and the fabric tie....and.....well, everything. Thanks Susie!

Make sure to take a moment and wander around her blog, Gathering Up Bits Of The World.  She makes wonderful handmade journals, some of which she sells in her Etsy shop. You'll probably be inspired to sit down and start journaling today.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

As Seen Near My Home

For years I have intermittently driven past this abandoned store. It suddenly dawned on me a couple of weeks ago that it wouldn't be there forever and if I wanted pictures I'd better get myself over there and take them. Which is what I did last weekend.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Magpie Tales #55

Killing Words are Death to Love

Sour to the core
Mean flavored
Acerbic and without love
You sucked the sweetness
From my soul
Leaving me
Tart and biting
….Too much like you.

I recently realized that it's been too long since I tried my hand at one of Willow's writing prompts. Why don't you give it a try as well? 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Very Pink of Perfection

 Springtime....when trees wear pink icing instead of leaves. 

Are these cherry trees? I don't know.
All I know is that I couldn't resist taking a photo of this pretty line of trees that was lining the edge of a local Chevron station.