Recently, daughter Rachel came over with the intent purpose of going through my collection of Little Golden Books. She was looking for duplicates that she could take home for her kids. I have no idea just how many Golden Books I have, but I know this....it's a lot! I sewed on a project, the kids played and she searched. She searched through the books stashed in the closet under the stairs. She searched through the bookcase. She looked in two chest drawers that are packed full. She looked on the kid's bedroom shelves. She missed the stack resting under the basement television.
I bought most of my books at thrift stores and second hand bookshops. Sometimes I see a book and unable to determine if I already own it, I'll buy another copy. Needless to say, I've collected doubles and some triples that way. Rachel was able to take home a big sackful. I'm happy to know the kids will enjoy them and perhaps learn to appreciate everything wonderful about these particular books.
In their heyday, Little Golden Books employed some of the best children's authors and illustrators. Authors like, Richard Scarry, Lucy Sprague Mitchell, Margaret Wise Moon and illustrators Tibor Gergely, Garth Williams, Eloise Wilkin, Gustaf Tenggren and many others. The thing that draws me to Golden Books are their simple sweet children's stories as well as their wonderfully imaginative illustrations.
While Rachel was looking, it occurred to me that I needed to pass The Daddy Book on to her for Elijah. It's not a Golden Book, but it was the favorite, read again and again, of his Uncle Brandon when he was a boy. No other of my children loved it like he did. Because Elijah is crazy about his daddy, I bet he will love having this classic read to him again and again.
Before I let it go, I had to scan some of my favorite images. I'm sure those of you who remember the 70s will recognize the daddy's floral shirts, long haircuts and mustaches. Your father's and husbands probably looked much like these Dads.

If you are fortune enough to come across this book when you are out thrifting or yard saleing...buy it for the children in your lives. I'll just bet that they will love it too!