Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Drawn That Way

I'm drawn to pun intended, honest!

Before the grandkids came to visit I was on a roll of creativeness.

Pen and ink with watercolor pencils.


  1. All drawn out from the kids then? No pun intended. ;)

  2. You are talented, but I have stated that before.;) Are these known faces (to you) or just any faces you see?

  3. The many faces of Stevie. I love all of your faces. They have such character and look so lively.

  4. Being able to sketch what you see is a great gift. I can only do it with words. I envy your talent.

  5. This first pic looks SO COOL in the little thumbnail on my blogroll!

    Love that quote from Roger Rabbit.

  6. You seriously need to make postcards and sell them on Etsy. :)

  7. You are one majorly talented chick, chica!

  8. Praising your gift my friend! Very coooool. What is on your creative mind now that the little ones are away?

  9. Hi Steviewren!
    I've seen your artwork evolve in the short time I've known you! These faces are so expressive and I like shadings from the water color pencil medium very much!

  10. You've been recognized! Go check it out.

  11. :) fantastic portraits - you make them look so effortless which really draws me in.

  12. Your faces are always intriguing to me. I especially love the last man with the stubble. I love me some stubble on the right guy. You have a wonderful talent.

  13. i feel a series and an etsy shop coming on! these are just wonderful!! seriously!

  14. you are so talented, i know, i have your lovely atcs. as for kodachrome, i draw with oil pastels on the reverse side, and then turn it over, and stick it on to a white card...that's it. if you ever find more kodachrome, please let me know, i would like to get some if i can.

  15. Very cool.. and here I am, lucky enough to have received a post card with one of your original sketches. And it's a beauty. Thanks so much. :)

  16. Kat, I could try. I haven't always mastered making my drawings look just like my subjects though.


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."