Regret and gratitude in one's life are made up of the people and events that cut deep and wound mightily, but are healed by the salve of love and gratefulness.
I regret not being a better judge of character in my youth.
I regret marrying my ex.
I regret not thinking better of myself.
I regret wasting so much time.
I regret being so sedentary.
I regret not being more outspoken.
I regret not going to college after high school.
I regret not taking more chances, not challenging myself to be more, be better.
I regret not setting goals for myself.
I do not regret loving my husband (even though he did not return the sentiment).
I do not regret having my four children (even though it was hard sometimes).
I do not regret being transparent and letting people into my life (even though some took advantage).
I do not regret reading all those books (which my ex hated me for).
I do not regret staying home with my children and not working (even though I would have been better prepared for single life if I had worked outside the home).
I do not regret having to go to college as a 40+ year old (I probably learned more than I would have at 18).
I do not regret being a spontaneous here-in-the-moment person (even though having goals would have been better sometimes).
I am thankful for my parents, for the lessons I learned from them and the ones I learned in spite of them.
I am thankful to God for answering my prayers and enabling me to see clearly during all the times life blindsided me.
I am thankful for the adults my children have grown to be in spite of all the obstacles in their paths.
I am thankful for blue skies and sunny days.
I am thankful for the refreshing cool breezes of spring and fall.
I am thankful for the buzz of insects on hot summer nights.
I am thankful for the sound of birds singing in the trees.
I am thankful for my friend's love and care.
I am thankful for the love of my children and the smiles and hugs of my grandchildren.
and like my youngest son used to add to every prayer
Thank you God for red chairs and teddy bears.
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