Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Mostly Green Things

Moss growing on railroad ties.

Azalea bush in full bloom.

Succulents in concrete urn.

First fig on the bush.

Black cat with green eyes.


  1. Very interesting pictures. Do you really have bushes with figs? To me that is so very exotic; in Europe figs only grow around the Mediterranean;)
    I love green colour as it symbolizes nature and plants.;)
    Hope you are having a lovely green Thursday.;))

  2. Is it really, truly that green where you are? I feel myself turning green with envy.

  3. Protege, the figs bushes\ are growing on the yard where my youngest son lives. We had figs growing in the yard of my childhood home too. The bush grew up out of the spot where coal had been dumped for years for the coal burning furnace in the house. After one winter of feeding the furnace my parents had central heating installed. Sometime after that the fig bush sprung up. It produced lots and lots of figs for many years. Occasionally it still has a pretty good year. I have to admit I have never been a big fan of them.

    Debby, yes it is really that green here. All of these pictures were taken over the course of the last week. The azaleas are almost finished blooming, the daffodils are long gone, the snowdrops have been blooming a while. The widowswort, trillum, and irises have just started. The weeds are growing too. My yard needs a lot of work.

  4. Great pictures Stevie, especially those green eyes.

  5. Green is my favorite color, I never tire of it. Love that moss, the succulents and that sleek, black kitty! I wish you could see the new leaves on our Japanese maple, right now they are such a vibrant lime green. Gorgeous!

  6. Moss on the railroad ties? Do the trains not go on them?

    Beautiful azalea blooms.

    Love that pretty black kitty.

  7. Hi Stevie!

    First of all, that cat is beautiful, and those eyes----my, oh, my!

    Second, I hope my new yard can be as beautiful as yours. I am 'green' with envy! :)


  8. Lovely shots. I'm envious of your advanced spring.. but not of the green-eyed cat. I've got me a couple of those. ;)

  9. My first visit to your blog and what a lovely blog you have. I live in the Mobile area and it is nice to find another Alabamian. Love your photos. You have a sweet little baby.

  10. Hey, Stevie. We have had rain, rain and then more rain. We need it, but where is the sun? The cat is beautiful. I saw the Domino magazine for March in the Barnes and Nobles today. How did you find out about Home Companion?

  11. I want a fig bush in my yard! And...we used to have a cat that looked exactly like that one! I had to have The Mister come over and take a look. Awww! :)

  12. P.S. Thanks, Stevie, for your extra kind words to me yesterday! :)

  13. I love black cats ..they are so mysterious.

    I have a fig tree growing in a big flower pot in my back yard -- we kept it in the garage over the winter to protect it. We get about 100 figs by the end of the summer and savor each and every one.


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