Wednesday, December 8, 2010

More boring vacation photos......

It was great to get away from home,  if for no other reason than having new stuff to take pictures of.

So, let me show you a few more photos from my Tennessee trip and then I promise, I'll move on to other subject matter.....really, I will.

Cades Cove in the early morning fog.

We saw over 30 deer including 3 bucks, one of which had a 10 point rack. 

Beautiful reflections. 

The fog beginning to lift. 

Pixie with attitude. 

The posse. 

Headrick Chapel est. 1902  in Wears Valley, a site I returned to three times to try and get the perfect photo. 
The view from the front of the chapel was impossible to photograph. The church hugs the side of the road in a downhill turn. You can see the front of the church and the graveyard for a long way coming. It would make a 
wonderful picture...if there was just somewhere to pull off the road to take the shot.

click to enlarge

The tiny chapel, the sweeping branches of the tree, graves dotting the spoke to me.

Thanks for looking!


  1. How can these pictures ever be boring?? I could look at them for ever, each and everyone has a story to tell. The fogy landscape appears spellbound and I love the one of your family. Beautiful people.;))

  2. I enjoyed seeing some of the places and people you art mailed me about. I don't know this part of the States, but wish I did.

  3. Not boring at all. Love the posse picture as well as the pixie. The latter made me think Pretty in Pink.

  4. Wow, some beautiful sites you came across. Not boring at all.

  5. Lovely calming photos of the misty views, Stevie! Members of your posse are very cute!

  6. I love all your pictures! It has been years and I mean years since I have been to Cades Cove. You have capture the true nature of the area in your pictures.

    Tracy :)

  7. Oh, how I understand that not having a place to pull off the side of the road and capture a photo. We have lots of views in our area, but the roads are narrow and VERY busy sometimes and I'd get rear-ended if I tried to stop for the sake of a photo. I'll bet it was much easier in horse and buggy days to do photography..... LOL


  8. Love your vacation photos! The foggy pics are are incredibly intriguing.

  9. I'm not bored at all - just completely swept away! Your vacation must have been lovely Steviewren - such stunning photos. I particularly like the foggy road and the reflection of the trees. Pixie with attitude is great - she is so photogenic.


  10. Stevie,
    These photos are gorgeous! Breathtaking! That first one is a real knockout! Cole liked the deer; they look close enough to touch. Great work!

  11. Fabulous!! Your opening image is just breathtaking, as well as the one of the doe. Wow, Stevie. Just wow.

  12. I certainly wouldn't call them boring! These are beautiful! I especially love the shots of your family...

  13. These are SO not boring! I love that first one in Cades Cove with the fog...gorgeous!

    And that church beckons me every time I drive up Wears Valley Road. I've often wanted to stop and figure out how to get a photo, but as you said, it's nearly impossible.

  14. Beautiful photos of the Tenn world. Favorites were Pixie with Attitude and The Posse. -- barbara

  15. Diahn, maybe if we park in someone's driveway, dodge traffic, run across the road and stand in someone else's pasture...then we might have a shot at getting a good photo!

  16. Lovely. That first one is just so wonderful!

  17. Love these .. you take damn fine photos!

  18. Boring? No way! I love the beautiful in that setting. You have some gorgeous images there.

  19. These photos are fantastic! I love fog and that first one just draws me in.

  20. I for one, love seeing the photos. They look like something out of a book, I kid you not. You've got quite the eye for taking pictures. The first one should be framed, I think. I love Tennessee and would totally consider moving there.
    Have a good weekend,

  21. I love all your photos and the first one could be a poster or a greeting card as it was so beautiful!


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