Saturday, March 5, 2011

As Seen Near My Home

For years I have intermittently driven past this abandoned store. It suddenly dawned on me a couple of weeks ago that it wouldn't be there forever and if I wanted pictures I'd better get myself over there and take them. Which is what I did last weekend.


  1. I get anxious about buildings LIKE THIS that have such old time charm just DISAPPEARING in a dust cloud of demolition! Even the signs are charming.

  2. There is something unsettling about abandoned buildings. I am not sure why they come across as sad, as if almost haunted by ghosts of memories, imprinted in the empty air.
    The worst is by far seeing half demolished buildings, when one can see inside. These fill me with terror and avoid passing them.
    Nevertheless, these images here carry a certain kind of melancholy, that is almost poetic.
    Have a lovely Sunday.;)

  3. Better to sieze the moment and snap the photo than to be sorry later. I'm glad you took the photo.


  4. Great photos & very neat old buildings! :)
    Happy Sunday to you and yours,

  5. If only the walls could talk, what a story they would tell. Great pictures!

  6. When I was home in Columbu, GA a year ago, I went over to Phenix City, AL where I had gone to parochial school and saw that the corner drug store ( like the one in your photo ) had been turned into a little cafe. It had already closed when I was there at 3P or I would have had lunch there.

  7. I love those old signs! It seems a shame that these stores can't be reviatlized in some way.

    I'm glad to be back home from Sydney, Australia! It's a beasutiful and friendly city. It was a quick, whirlwind trip but very loooooong flights to and from.

  8. What wonderful old signs ... what a dreary looking day

  9. I love these old establishments and their dated signs. They certainly have their stories to tell.

  10. Don't you hate that these interesting old places don't last longer?.

  11. I just love these old small town and nostalgic, aren't they...

  12. Fabulous old signs. They just don't make them like this anymore. Glad you captured them.

  13. These are wonderful stevie! You remind me that I should get out there and take a photo of an old "Enchanted Forest" sign in my town before they tear it down or before the leaves grow and block the view....I have to do that soon!

  14. Fascinating photos Steph. Glad that you thought to record them for posterity, and us...

  15. I have a certain fascination for old buildings and often photograph them myself. I loved those Stevie and especially the signs, and they make me think of the people who inhabited them and the hustle and bustle around them in their heyday.


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