Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Playing With My Food

Before I can eat breakfast, I am seized with an idea. Take pictures. Modify pictures. Experiment. Waste time. Get hungrier. Blog.

I'm going to eat my breakfast now.


  1. I do this sort of thing too but not before coffee in the A.M., more likely I am doing it when I should be eating dinner or watching a DVD with Husband ... I love the different effects .. you might look into ... I did but I cant share my food pix on their site because the original pix need to be on a blog and I havent posted any food pix, clearly I need to

    Did I say after all that how I love the effects?

  2. Love that bottom picture effect. Intriguing.

  3. Cool-cool-cool! Especially the effects on that last one. Wow! What program do you use? It's great.

  4. :) I do this too - today it was blueberries.

  5. Willow, I use Adobe Photoshop. I think the last one was the effect of a couple of different steps. I try something...if I don't like it I try again until something emerges that I like.

  6. I love this! But I don't know how! I'm going to look at Adobe! Did you eat cherries for breakfast? Yum!

  7. Love the photos !!! What a sweet healthy breakfast you had.

  8. Wow...Which do you like best?
    I can't decide...

  9. That third picture is so 'Andy Warhol'

  10. The third one3 is my favorite. I like the way the holes in the colander are back lite. I also like the poster quality it has.

  11. I would hate to have to choose my favorite. They are all great in their own way. To me there are just some beautiful fruits and cherries are one of them. Also, strawberries, apples, kiwis, not so much oranges or bananas to me. No offense to them, but they just aren't gorgeous fruits in my opinion.

  12. Don't forget tomorrow night..Burn Notice and Royal Pain!!!!

  13. I like the first one best because it's 'real life' -- and also, guess that gives it away that I'm not an artist, huh?!

    Found you through Willow. What a pretty blog here!

  14. Those cherries look so delicious! I'd eat them before the word camera even entered my mind. Pictures of pits is all you'd get. Love your pictures and your staying power.

  15. I've posted a few 'play with my food' photos on my blog, but you've taken this play to another level! I think I'll try to play with my food like this.

    I also have cherries (au naturel) on my blog today...couldn't reach them to play with them; you'll see....

  16. Wish I could modify a bit my life but not possible as we do this way on the pix;)
    How is it there? Here its burning! 95F! But no worries, I am lovingly flirting w/ Mr Sun:)
    Have a happy thursday Steph.

  17. I like the last one best of all!
    BUT, would like to eat from the first!
    I love CHERRY PIE!!!!

  18. yeah!!! such fun photos! i see you're playing in photoshop. good for you! my favorite is the third one down!!

  19. how you did the pictures. Yummy, too! =)

  20. I love the cherry pictures. What I like best is the way you captured the light on the cherries. I'm not a photographer, but I appreciate how hard this must be to do. Also love the third one. It looks like you put a net on them.:)

    They all look yummy!!! Did you eat them all for breakfast?:)


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."