Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Slowly...... Getting Back Into The Swing

Sorry for no posts. Apparently I am still on vacation. Mental vacation at least. I'll be back as soon as I unpack my bags and gather my thoughts together.


  1. It must be the stars. I've been walking around in a daze all week!

  2. Ah, I know the feeling. It is difficult at times to re-adjust again to the every day life.;))
    As they say "No man/woman needs a vacation more than the one who just had one."
    Hehe, so true.;))

  3. Sweet! Mental hiatus' are the best aren't they. See you when your refreshed!

  4. Just ease back into it. There's no rush!

  5. Welcome home. I believe that is my eyeball there.

  6. i'd say let the vaca last as long as it can but i miss your posts so please amble back when you can.

    love the dysfunctional photo. hee hee

  7. ease into it honey - we're around when you get back.

  8. I felt much the same earlier this week...

  9. I have missed you and I am happy you are back in place. As long as I know you are okay and had a great time. There's just too much going on in the world and it makes me dizzy.

  10. I felt the same way last week after having been away three weeks! It takes time to get back to the old routine.

  11. ...It's the vacation causing a rested brain...It took several weeks for me to get back from vacation mentally...Isn't that what vacation is all about?..Enjoy your rested state:)

  12. Ah .. I feel a bit like that photo today too

  13. Ohmigosh - this is what I've felt like all week, but I don't have such a nice excuse as you...


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."