Tuesday, September 1, 2009

What Was That You Said?

My daughter-in-law sent me this earlier in the week. EG is 8 and is homeschooled.

From EG's journal:

Started a history reading last week that discussed the conflicts between the Protestants and Catholics in the 1600’s….I began to read, then said, “oh, do you remember what a Protestant is from last year’s history?” She said, “oh wait, wait, hold on….I think I know…don’t tell me! Is it somebody who grabs another person and sleeps with them?”

Oh, my. A bit unintentionally irreverent and very funny. Had to hold it in on that one and not laugh out loud! I’ve tried to describe to them delicately over time what a prostitute is, since it comes up a lot in our scripture readings. It’s funny, this kind of mix ups with words that are slightly similar in sound is something she’s been doing since she could speak

This grandchild has been articulate since the day she started talking. When most children were just learning to say ball, she was using words like umbrella and belt buckle. She was like a little sponge. She still amazes me with her grasp of things and her imagination.


  1. Oh that is a keeper! I love it wheN kids
    start comprehending like that!

  2. She's like me! I'm SO glad I'm not the only kid like that out there. Homeschooled and articulate as soon as you can talk. Yay!

  3. Cute story!! What a cutie she sounds like, with an ear for the nuances of her language and her culture. Lucky to have parents willing to feed her hungry mind. :)

  4. Ah, great story! My mother used to keep a book where she wrote down all the funny things we said.;))
    This reminds me of my niece. My sister is married to a French Swiss and the kids speak french, therefore I do not understand them. But my sister often translates and she says that my 5 year old niece has picked up "grown up" words and uses them all the time, She is an immediate hit in stores and restaurants.;)) And the fun thing is that she has done that since she was about 3.;)

  5. Too funny! At least she said it at home and not at church!

  6. It reminds me of the song; " Kid's Say The Darndest Things" ! :)

  7. That's so funny - my oldest is like that - it makes for some really funny dinner table conversations!

    My favorite example...



  8. Gotta love how kids still say the darnest things!

  9. Tee-Hee! I keep telling my daughter to write down those cute things kids say...I never did and I wish I had....

  10. That is funny! Kids are great. I remember once when I tried to teach a class of preschoolers about missionaries. But it started out badly because one little boy very adamantly stated that missionaries are very bad people - he'd gotten them mixed up with mercenaries, of all things! Once my son thought that if we weren't Jews we must be Reptiles! (Instead of Gentiles).

  11. i will think of this and smile for days and days, i know. it is just too cute!

  12. That was so funny and sweet -- children are so innocent aren't they? Your grand daughter certainly sounds precocious!

  13. LOL oh my! that is just too cute for words.

  14. Stevie, this is so adorable. That is such a wonderful idea about keeping a journal of her cute things. We should have done it with Avery. Maybe we'll start. EG sounds so bright. Too cute!!


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