Sunday, October 18, 2009

Death at Deadwood

Their invitations arrived over a month ago. In plenty of time for each of them to make their way to the Deadwood Saloon for a week long poker tournament. The stakes are high. The winner will take home a $100,000 purse. You can bet the promise of that kind of money will draw every low down cheat, outlaw and thief in the territory, as well as all the slick, sticky fingered gambling men and women in these parts. Everyone wants to be the one to walk away with the winnings.

Federal Marshal Dalton has been called in to help Sheriff Sam keep the peace, but rumor has it that the Sheriff has been known to take a bribe to look the other way on occasion. The Marshal has his job cut out this week.

There was a robbery at the bank earlier in the week as well. Looking for the thief has kept the local law enforcement busy. So busy in fact, that they haven't noticed that there seems to be a few tempers about to boil over.

Anna Belle has been keeping a close watch on Holly Hickok. Anna is certain Holly is trying to steal her man, Gambling Jack. Jack and Mitch Maverick are battling it out for the grand prize which was put up by the owner of the saloon, Harry High-Stakes and his wife Henrietta. Local resident, Clay Coldwell put up the $2,500 ante to get in the game as well.

Harry and Henrietta High-Stakes

Mitch Maverick and Holly Hickok

The insanely jealous, Anna Belle and her husband Gambling Jack

Taffy Garrett and Sally Starr, the saloon girls are busy serving drinks to the players. Poker Alice gives them a hand. Billy the Bartender has his eye on Alice from behind the bar. He fancies himself sweet on her. Montgomery Money just arrived in Deadwood. He is interested in purchasing the saloon. His wife and daughter Elizabeth and Minnie have been here all week scouting out the town. Jesse Wales, an outlaw and old comrade of Harry wanders into town too.

Minnie Money, debutante

Banker Bob is agitated by the robbery of his bank and is suspecious of everyone, even his own wife Bonnie.

The Little Kid knows something has come between his parents
Banker Bob and Bonnie. I wonder if it's all that money Bonnie stole
from Bob?

He accuses Black Barbara, who is in town on unknown business, of being in cahoots with Bonnie to steal him blind.

Watch out! She's so mean, she'll shoot you with a smile on her face they say.

The obligatory murder takes place and a hunt for the killer begins. What motive would anyone have for killing Mitch Maverick. Is it because he won the poker tournament and was about to be awarded the prize money? Or could the reason be even more sinister?

The marshal seems to be more interested in arresting all the local beauties than finding the murderer.

Hmmmm, these two hussies seem to welcome his advances.

He even put the cuffs on these two.

The men of Deadwood were all considered guilty until proven innocent.

It looks as though they won't go without a fight.

The women try to use their female charms to steer clear of trouble.

But in the end, the law prevails. The killer is caught and marched off to jail. More than one cry of "hang the scoundrel" was heard as the marshal ushered him from the room.

It was Montgomery Money who done it! He was out to revenge an old grunge.

The End

This year's cast of characters.


  1. I LOVE IT!!! This is the cutest thing ever!

    I am so glad you did this and that you posted pictures.

    You are so cute in your costume and so is everyone else. The pic where the baby is looking at his parents like their crazy made me LOL.

    What fun this must have been! I wish my life included such fun and games. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Is this some sort of reenactment event or a weekend? They have those here too, usually some sort of a murder mystery and everyone has a role and have to follow the clues. It is my dream to attend such an event.
    You look dashing and very cool with the gun.;))
    Seems like a great party, lovely photos as well! xoxo

  3. Bravo! What a fun time. Everyone did a great job with the look and it sure sounds like you had a great time. What fun!

  4. Looks like a 'neck tie' party comes next, dadgummit!

  5. What a great party! Looks like everyone had a grand time!

  6. OH! YEAH! I am back in time for a little western DRAMA! Black Barbara DOES have a twinkle in her eye when brandishing that revolver!!!
    What FUN!!!

  7. Mom, this was a great post and great pics. Everyone really did look so good. Although, I think you left out a good pic of yourself, if you know what I mean.

  8. You and your friends are so creative! Looks like a blast!

  9. Oh what fun ... and what a effort everyone put into their costumes/characters!

  10. how fun is that??!!! you look adorable in your cow girl hat and i love the oh so serious look on your daughter's face!!!

  11. What a fun way to start my day! You guys must have really enjoyed putting this on - I guess it has to be an annual event. New story line, perhaps, different setting, etc, but, with such great stars, you've got sure hits!

  12. You guys are having entirely too much fun over here!! Loved this!

  13. what fun!!!! love the costumes

  14. I remember this fun party last year! You guys totally have outdone yourselves! My favorite is that pic of Elijah...looking very suspiciously at his mom!
    And Barbara...shooting men dead with a smile on her face!? Cold, I tell you...cold! hee-hee!

  15. What fun Stevie! I love all the costumes..what a bunch of desperados! lol

    We visited Deadwood when we were in South Dakota this summer...and saw Wild Bill get shot at the poker game at the actual saloon (which also happens to have a fabulous Italian restaurant upstairs) and then saw the killer get caught on main street and hauled off to a trial and jail ... still lots of main street "shoot outs" going on out in the West for the

  16. What a delightful evening you must have had. Everyone looks the part. So serious. Funny.

  17. Oh my stars! Stevie, this was SO MUCH FUN! I read it twice and I lurve the pictures! Actually, the pictures make the story come alive! You all look like your having so much fun!!! Wish I was your neighbor! lol

  18. I could tell right away that you were a scurrilous scoundrel behind that pretty smile! Are you sure Montgomery Money didn't have any accomplices in his dastardly deed?!!!

    This sounds like so much fun!

  19. It is Really Sad that you have in here who done it. It was right there on the download site not to reveal anything. This blog can ruin it for so many people with thousands of dollars spent.

  20. I'm assuming it's the same murderer each time?

  21. I agree, I wish the who done it and who was killed had not been revealed. I know it can change depending on the size of the party purchased, but not always. I came here looking for ideas because I'm throwing the same party, and I hope none of the people participating do the same thing and have the mystery ruined for them....

    1. This should be reported on revealing who did it. I AM ERY UPSET..Rules were broken, as a matter of fact this blog should be taken down immediately...

  22. Hello. I Agree. Can you PLEASE take down the murderer. This will ruin it for so many people.


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."