Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hot, Hot, Hot

I used this stuff today because capsaicin is supposed to be an effective help with arthritis pain. Anybody ever tried this? It is made from hot peppers. The insert sheet says don't go out in the sun. Let me tell you, don't go out and mow the yard in long pants hours after you've applied it, even if the sun isn't shining...and especially don't come in a take a lukewarm shower. OMGosh, my legs have been burning for over an hour. The sensation is just beginning to subside. The instructions say the burning will go away after a few days. I guess your skin becomes acclimated to it....I'm not sure if I'll last that long.


  1. OH my...powerful stuff! Think I will pass on that! Can you put it on a sandwich???

  2. Oh try to last that long because it's a very effective pain reliever.. it just takes time. I have to admit that this one is a tad stronger than what I use which is at 0.075% but after a few applications, you stop feeling that sunburn effect (until you decide that a hot shower is in order). The trick is to apply it a few times a day but a very small amount. It sounds like you've used it over a large surface area.

    Be sure to always wear gloves or a plastic baggie when applying it because it really stays on your fingers for a long time, and if you get an itch in any of the areas where you applied it, scratch with something other than your fingernails because if you rub your eye after that... well you know the drill.

    I hope it helps. But I promise, you'll be surprised at how little you feel the burn of future applications when your skin gets used to it.

  3. I was going to ask if it did help the pain, but I can see that Hilary has kind of answer that for me.

  4. These type of pain relievers work by irratating the skin tissue which causes the body to produce chemicals to counteract the sensation. It does not "help" the arthritis but it does reduce the pain felt.

    Your discomfort is because you irratated a mild chemical burn.

  5. Hilary gives excellent advice .. me, I was popping 800 mg Ibuprofen 3-4X a day til I spoke to my doctor, she put me on some med that made my neck feel like new ...

  6. oh my!! hope it's better soon

  7. Oh no!!! That is awful! I hope you are startying to feel some relief by now... take it in smaller areas of your skin (target specific areas of leg, kind of dot it where needed). Oh I hope your able to get some sleep!

  8. Sounds like you can still smile and laugh through the pain!...Hope things have cooled down by now:)

  9. Goodness, I would be very cautious about trying it for my chronic pain...back, neck and shoulder. I'm not familiar with it but would like to check it out, in very small doses. I'm not sun person so that wouldn't be an issue.

  10. Do not take a hot shower when you have Cazasin on either. I found out the hard way about 15 years ago.

    Capzasin works very well but instructions and warnings must be followed. ;-)

    The Blue Ridge Gal


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