Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Job Wanted

We weren't surprised to get the visit from Corporate, but we were surprised to find that it was almost the whole company that was getting the pink slip. I've been preparing for this day and if truth be told...looking forward to it. I hope I never have to take another job as a bill collector. It's not for me. I've got tons of projects I want to achieve around the house, so my immediate job is to make sure that I am as productive (not really my natural state of being) as I can be in this interlude. I plan to write the things I want to accomplish for the day on my calendar to reinforce accountability. Maybe I'll draw a couple of faces for it as well.

Oh yeah, better not forget to apply for unemployment!


  1. Oh, my! Well...there's nothing like a pink slip to send you in a new and exciting direction, now is there?

    Sending you many good wishes for your next endeavors...

  2. Good luck in the job search. I know you'll be glad to accomplish some of those projects you've been wanting to do. Do you live on the Gulf Coast?

  3. I think this is a good thing. You were not happy but you couldnt quit, so now 'fate' has moved its oft times fickle finger and its said ''YOU .. go get another job somewhere you will be reasonably happy'' (hey its a fickle finger, you dont get completely happy unless you have severance AND unemployment).

    I wonder if you wouldnt like working in a pre-school .. artsy craftsy stuff with kidlettes ...

    In any case I am sending you vibes to help in your search! Feel 'em?


  4. Hope the new job is fascinating, just what you want, and more pay! :)...oh, and that you find it soon!

    In the meantime...enjoy NOT calling those late payers!

    praying for you!

  5. Ack.. sorry to hear that you're out of work, but only as sorry as you are. I think Daryl has a good idea. She always does, though. Good luck!

  6. The first thing that I thought was 'Good!' I immediately felt guilty about that, but reading your blog post, I saw that you are taking it as leaping off into a new direction. I'm with everyone else...you were so unhappy in that job that I'm simply glad for you. These life disruptions often lead to great life changes. In the most positive sense of it.

  7. One door closes and another will open...yeay for you! Don't forget to write some fun things in on that calendar:)

  8. Just wonder what is punk slip.

  9. It sounds as though you have a positive attitude with this change in your life. That's good. Good luck with getting stuff done around the house, as well as in the job search.

  10. Oh no, my first reaction is to say sorry, but it seems that you are actually happy with this outcome.;) At times *life* works in mysterious ways and there is a reason to everything, perhaps something else that you will enjoy will present itself for you soon...
    Until then enjoy your time off spend on things you like to do.;)

  11. Best of luck Stevie. I hope you find the job of your dreams. Or at least a job that lets you sleep well at night.

  12. Oh Stevie! I pray blessings overflow for you in your search for a new and exciting job you are PASSIONATE about! God already knew this was going to happen and HE knows the plans he has for YOU! Exciting!

  13. Beth told me. All I have to say is enjoy your down time... I know you will. I'm confident that God will provide exceedingly and abundantly.

  14. I am sorry to hear this, Stevie, but also happy you'll have some time to search for a job you'll like. You are so creative and I hope you will be able to use some of those skills.

    Stay positive! Praying for you!

  15. I am so behind on posts, what with Alex's wedding and all the related activities. I am just reading this on May 17th...hope all is well, Stevie. I am unemployed now for 15 months and it's been hell for me being retired, mainly the $90,000/year drop in my income and the huge change in my lifestye. I haven't felt happy in the entire year except for my son's wedding. I'd forgotten what it was to feel happy.


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."