Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Complicated

 Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions. 
Oliver Wendell Holmes
*For those of you who asked for an explanation of the was my crystal paperweight combined with a number of decanter stoppers. I purchased the crystal stoppers at Henry's place in Ohio over 10 years ago. Henry bought and sold antiques. Somewhere around Canton or Lima (really can't remember where) there is a two story house packed to the gills with stuff. I dug the stoppers out and gave them a new home in Alabama.*


  1. It is indeed .. and those are some sparkly sparklers

  2. Wise words from Mr. Holmes. Amazing shot, Stevie!

  3. Very eye-catching. Is it ice.. glass.. a lamp fixture? It's intriguing.

  4. Are we looking at jewelry?
    I love to read, I always have. There are times I can not put a book down, I have to finish it. My eyes will actually ache. Then there are times I read to fall asleep. However, when I do this I usually can not remember what I read the night before so I don't accomplsih much, but I do fall asleep!

  5. I bet with your new job you feel like your mind is being stretched to the limit. Hang in there. It will get easier.

  6. It looks to me like a part of a glass ornament.;) Lovely quote as well and so true.;))

  7. I love the photo and the quote as well. Hope your still enjoying your new job!

  8. And having an an open mind is a very good thing!

  9. Now that's an interesting photo Steph. Will you tell us what it is later please? - Dave

  10. That is a very interesting photo!! Eye catching.


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."