Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Swap Anyone?

watercolor pencils on watercolor postcard

Google postcard art and you will discover a world of 4x6 cards that are being made and mailed to places all over the world. Some are weird and some are wonderful. Some people write their secrets on postcards and mail them out and some people just like sending and receiving mail. Yahoo has groups devoted to making and trading postcards. Shows have been organized and curated to display mail art. Here is a link to a blog where the writer has organized a swap with her readers for the second year in a row. Many of you collect vintage postcards. Everyone loves finding a handwritten note in their mail box.

original art drawn on desk calendar scanned into computer,
digitally manipulated and printed on heavy paper

Today Willow blogged about digital art which got me to thinking again about postcard art. Mod Girl also posted pictures today of the postcards her son made to mail out as thank you notes for his recent birthday gifts. I mentioned to Willow that I have been thinking of proposing a postcard swap amongst friends.

digital art printed on photo paper

Is anyone interested? Let me know if you are. I will think of the easiest way for everyone to get addresses....it will probably be to divide the participants up and let you email one another for addresses. Another way would be to mail them all to me and then I would address them and drop them in the mail to each of you.

Security envelopes, additional bits and pieces, stamp,
torn and collaged onto watercolor postcard using Golden gel medium

Anyway, I would like to send each participant a handmade postcard from me. Or if a limited number of people want to play maybe we could just each send one to everyone. How many postcards would be too many for you to send out? My email addy is on my profile so you can contact me that way or you can leave me a comment.

bits of illustrated art printed on presentation paper, cut and
collaged with Golden gel medium as a binder

Ideas for 4X6 postcards:
Postcards from your hometown or state
Your favorite blog photos printed onto photo paper and attached to heavy cardstock
Travel pictures made into postcard art
Scrapbook paper postcards
Your artwork in any form
Any doodle from you on heavy paper
Share a family recipe
Postcards from the US Postal Service

All mailed with a handwritten note from you!

If enough of you are interested I will make a little icon that anyone who wants to can display to advertise the swap to all of their contacts. Wouldn't it be fun to have lots of people to mail something to and to receive something in return?


  1. Even though I am not 'artsy fartsy', I'll give it a try. I can't draw though.

  2. You are too much fun! What a great idea. My postcard art would probably be nothing more than scribbles by Tukes!

  3. Debby and Mod Girl, you don't have to draw on a postcard. You could write a recipe on one or send a postcard featuring something in your state. You could cut up a page from an old book and glue it to a card stock back.

    I'm glad you like the idea!

  4. It sounds like fun Steviewren! I buy NYC postcards all the time to send out notes to friends.

    I love all your handmade examples!

    Let me know the details when you decide how you'll coordinate it.


  5. Smiling Hello:)

    Just come across your page thru dear Pat's. I, too, am a lover (and pcard collectioner), so your article captured my attention. Although I enjoy making quilted cards, recently I am poor of time, and cannot create enough time for my hobbies, sadly..
    I shall visit you again for the details soon.

    Warm greetings & All of my best.

    ~N in Istanbul

  6. Count me in, too!! This is going to be so much fun! :D

  7. This sounds like fun. I would like to participate. Please email me further instructions. I guess I could mail out about 10 or so postcards?

  8. I would love to participate. You have the best ideas. This sounds like tons of fun!

  9. Nihal, welcome to my blog. You have come a long way to visit me! Thanks! I've added your name to the swap!

  10. Poetikat, I am really interested in your site and am bookmarking it for further exploration.

  11. This sounds like great fun - count me in!

  12. Cynthia, okey dokey you are on the list. This is going to be so much fun. Thanks everyone for your interest!

  13. Hi, count me in. I love to collect postcard !!

    Lay Hoon (Malaysia)

  14. Hi Julie,
    Many many THANKS for your visit on my page, and in particular, the swap notice. A big YES, I am still interested in this swap. Check out your inbox for my @mail as you req'ed. Looking fwd for the details ASAP.
    Warm greetings & All the best,

    ~N in Istanbul


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."