Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tea Party

The bluebird of happiness fluttered to a stop outside my window this morning to hum a sweet song reminding me that today I'm invited to a tea party at Muse Swings.

I must rush to get ready. First my bath...

Eeeek! No photos yet, please! Let me slip into my party frock. Which shall I wear?

How about this one?
I'm bringing some decorations.

I hope it is okay, I invited two of my closest mates. They've been dieing to meet you.

Faerie cakes anyone? I'll be gobsmacked, but don't they look scrumptious.

Ready for a cuppa? Help yourself.

Fancy a bit of a sing-a-long? Tea for Two, anyone?

All photos courtesy of Flickr

It's been a gala event! Thanks for inviting me Muse.

It's been a lovely ride!


  1. That was so adorable. How clever. You always make it fun. I love your birdie welcoming us!

  2. Faerie cakes yes please - they look wonderful!

  3. Why, thank you...yes, I'll have some tea and one of these cute little cakes!

    This is SO cute!! You are so creative, Stevie! Fun! :D

    I made some little clothespin dolls similar to those when I was a young girl. I still have a few that I put on the Christmas tree every year.

  4. Well Steviewren, my stars! Never thought I'd see you in the bathtub--ha ha ha---but that's okay! I see you are very well prepared for the party, and can I please have that little pink piggy-face cake? It's the cutest thing I've ever seen!

    Isn't it a wonderful party? So nice to see everyone here and have all this delicious tea to drink.

    Have you tried the shrimp yet with the mayo-miso dip? It's divine!

  5. how sweet of you! Everything looks delish!

  6. Stevie! What a delightful post! It is just wonderful, and yes, don't mind if I do have a faerie cake! And then a spin in the very large tea cup! Thank you for adding to this fun event!

    I've brought you one of Lavinia's beautiful petit fours! The pink one. I'm off to investigate the tea party


  7. Stevie! What a delightful post! It is just wonderful, and yes, don't mind if I do have a faerie cake! And then a spin in the very large tea cup! Thank you for adding to this fun event!

    I've brought you one of Lavinia's beautiful petit fours! The pink one. I'm off to investigate the tea party


  8. That was fun and different! I'm still laughing about the bathtub! Thanks for sharing. Have a great day!

  9. Hi Steviewren...I popped over to see if there were any more tarts left....ah yes, there's one, with strawberries on top. Oh I hate to take the very last one...but after all, *someone's* got to!

    Thanks....wasn't it a lovely party?

  10. That was fun Steviewren! You chose such cute photos! Sorry I was so late. I was baking tonight -- we bought too much fruit and I am trying to use it all up before it goes bad. I should have baked earlier so I could have brought a pie to your tea party!

    Thanks for the compliment about my blog music -- I do appreciate it as I try to find a song that will match my post! :-) Sometimes I wonder if it's annoying, but no one has complained to my face as of now..tee hee!

  11. Thanks everyone for coming to my little soirée today. Didn't Muse swings do a great job of organizing this event?

    Come on guys, let's take one more ride in the giant teacup before its time to send it back to Disney World.

  12. That was fun!I had too many cup cakes which didn't bode well for the ride in the giant teacup.

  13. I love the birdie, is it one of your drawings? I love the colors! What frock did you end up wearing, they were all so pretty!
    I am going to head over to the tea party. I may be late, but what the heck.

  14. Denise, the bluebird is from a drawing I did. Thanks for mentioning it. I thought the party was fun too.


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."