Thursday, September 11, 2008

Calendar Girl

Like I've said before, sometimes I use the calendar for a journal, but most of the time I cut and paste doodles I sketch on the blank portions of reports or stuff I draw on post-it-notes.

Thinking about my vacation.

I printed out some quotes and taped them down on random dates. When I turn a page and find a quote I've chosen, I am able to contemplate its truth anew or I can laugh out loud again at its humor.

When work was slow I used my time to clean a co-worker's desk. I was that tired of looking at her mess.

I've experimented with my limited color palette of work pens and highlighters to express feelings in my sketches.

Hectic day-visually recorded.

I love drawing faces. I look around for other inspiration. I always come back to the face.

Day dreaming.

More day dreaming once I was back from vacation. Sorry Carl, it seems I'm a failure at the secret of happiness.

"She is feeling hot in a cold world." Maybe she is experiencing some changes in her old are you honey?

Just some random observations.

Now you are up to date on my life.


  1. These are great, too!...Thanks for tagging me for the meme. I finally got my 6 quirks posted:)

  2. They're so whimsical. I hate whimsy!

    Noooo I'm kidding. It just made me think of a Mary Tyler Moore Show line when Mr. Grant said to Mary. "You know what, Mary? You've got spunk. ... I hate spunk!"

    I love your drawings. :)

  3. Too, too cute!@! Thanks for the Friday morning giggles. I especially love the Bombeck quote...teehee...yes, I'm SO thankful!!! :D

  4. Sigh...sigh...sigh.... I'm relating to many of these. I like the part about doing without the necessities if only the luxuries would abound!

    This reminds me, weren't you going to do an allegory of some kind? You had posted a draft some time ago....A photo of you with various graphics added to it. I printed it out and I know its around here somewhere (shades of your co-worker's desk happening here!)

    I get awfully bored with lunch time eats too, on a regular basis. There are about ten thousand choices but very little actually satisfies... The trouble with home made lunches is that I'm too lazy to make them regularly...often at lunchtime I think of the leftovers in my fridge that I would have enjoyed if only I'd packed them up in the morning to bring with me...

  5. p.s. I actually know someone who bears a startling resemblance to the face in photo # 10 !!
    p.p.s.--- I accidentally left this comment on your previous post, then deleted it when I realized my mistake...oops!.

  6. Ha! I'm laughing out loud! Your August was very amusing! I want to know what Audra thought of her clean desk! ;)

  7. I love the sketches on your calendar! I do that to, but you've practically made yours into a scrapbook!

  8. Thanks Lora...your quirks are my quirks!

    Hilary, I know what you mean...whimsy is just so whimsical...

    Willow, that Bombeck tickled my funnybone too.

    Lavinia, I am too lazy to make my lunch too. Or I cook one big pot of something, eat it for 3 or 4 times and still have 2 or 3 meals left, but by that time I am so sick of it I have to throw the remainder out.

    Audra actually was happy to let me clean. I organized her drawers, threw tons away, gathered all her office supplies together on one side and her personal stuff on the other. It is already a mess again..... I did this once before too.

    Margaret, at the end of the year I am going to put a hardcover on it and save it as is. It might amuse me in 25 years or I might wonder what I was thinking.

  9. Your calendar pages are lovely inspiring and fun - and FAR more exciting than mine! Thanks for sharing.

  10. I love them......the use of colour and the words......

    Hi, dropping by from Black Boxes :-)

  11. Hi Julie,
    I've already sent my e-mail to your address as follows:
    steviewren_4 at yahoo dot com

    Could you please check, and let me know if you did not get yet.

    By the way, I left a related comment under your post dated 2008/08/swap_anyone. You did not get it?

    Yes, I'm still interested in! waiting for the instructions.

    Thanks in advance & Hugs.


  12. That is such a great idea. Mine is always full of boring things like meetings and must dos, I would much rather have a bright scrap book effect like yours. 'Cept I can't draw...perhaps I will just come look at yours once in a while...


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."