I'm busy making my list. No, not for Christmas. I'm making lists for Thanksgiving. I'm hosting this year. Twenty-four will attend, give or take a few. The dining room table will be expanded to it's full capacity of 14. The folding table in the basement will be emptied of it's sewing machine and it will extend the seating by another 5 or 6. A children's table will be set in the kitchen.
This year my sister is supplying the turkey, sweet potatoes and a pie. I am making the dressing, gravy and cranberry sauce. Additionally, I will cook turnip greens, a squash casserole and maybe a pecan pie. My sister in law is bringing asparagus, hashbrown casserole and rolls. My niece is bringing macaroni and cheese. My mother will bring some peas. I haven't talked to my daughter in law yet about what she will make, maybe a dessert or some stuffed eggs. My youngest son said he will bring tomato, cucumber salad. There will be enough food for a army. It will be delicious.
But, first I must clean the house, clear the sewing table, shop for groceries, pre-cook a couple of pans of cornbread for the stuffing, find the tableclothes and wash the china.

You can see why I have been making lists. It is a lot to do and I won't have any extra off days between now and then. If you don't hear from me much, you know what I will be doing.
What about you. What are your plans? Does your family have any special holiday traditions? My newest tradition is having my sons help me get the Christmas tree out of the basement and the rest of the decorations out of the attic before they go home on Thanksgiving, so I can get the house decked out for the next holiday as soon as this one has ended.