Monday, January 5, 2009

Pretty In Pink

When did I quit noticing that the world was a magical place?

Or seeing the little things?

Or taking the time to wonder at slimy stuff?

Grandchildren open your eyes again. Maybe that is why old people revert back to their childhood....their grandchildren reminded them how much fun it was.

These little ones are tucked into their own far away beds tonight.

I miss you.


  1. Oh they're so gorgeous and adorable in their pink sweaters. Your heart must ache. Lovely photos, Steviewren.

  2. Really world is a magical place and magic is in little girls are very lovey & cute and so is your blog...

  3. What a lovely post. I need to 'borrow' some little girls right away. Thanks for sharing Stevie!

  4. I am hearing a quiet house and feeling an empty nest. Your Grands are beautiful.

  5. Oh.... It's hard to say goodbye, isn't it?! And, children do open our eyes to a world of wonder. Refreshing.

  6. Oh, they ARE so pretty, pink, or no!

  7. Gosh, it must be so hard to have those darlings so far away!
    (I'm not a fan of slugs and snails since they eat up all my lovely flowers, but the exploration of slimy things can certainly be fun for little ones.)


  8. So many lovely little girls!..So many people today do not live near their grandchildren..I often feel blessed that my two live so close to me..

  9. You are Oliag! My grandson who is due in February will live close by, so I will be able to see him often.

  10. Wonderful! Exciting! That is very soon!

  11. i love this! i am often find myself reminding my soul to be more childlike. the world is far more beautiful when you view it for the first time with youthful eyes. i love to forget everything i know in search of something i don't. :)

    i enjoy your blog. thank you. :)


  12. Hi, steviewren...I hopped over here from Diahn and Linda's blog. I've been keeping a blog for a couple of years but it's mostly been a journal. This year, I'm going to work on my social skills and make some blog friends! I love your blog, makes me smile. And my oldest daughter is named Stevey...even cooler.

  13. Hi Sarah, Archana, Lisa and Melinda. Thanks for stopping by. I don't think we've formerly met. I hope to see you around some more.

  14. I'd love it! I've subscribed (hope you don't mind!) You're welcome to do the same on mine if you're interested. Have a great Tuesday!!!

  15. I do agree. It is so hard for us to just slow down a little bit in our lives and just relax and notice the smaller things that show true beauty.

  16. Oh my goodness...they are so cute!!

    And you are right...why is it that when we grow up we look at life less and less from a child's eye.


  17. Oh, what darlings! Such blessings. When they can't be near they might enjoy letters, jokes and little treasures in the mail. My nieces like it. (Some of your drawings would be perfect!)

  18. Your grandbabies are darling. I know you must miss them so much. I am truly blessed to have Avery every weekend. I pray to not always be so serious and look for more fun in life. I pray you are having a great new year.

  19. Oh, they are adorable! They look as sweet as cotton candy. :o) I wish you lived closer to your grandbabies. They need you as much as you need them. They are such a treasure.
    God bless,
    Sparky ♥ ∞

  20. Maybe it's not so much that you quit noticing and seeing certain things, as much as you were somehow waiting for the right time and people to notice them with! And here they are. Beautiful pictures here.

  21. Was it easy getting this picture? It came out perfect. I love the pink, it ties them all together so nicely.

  22. Pretty in pink indeed. What a beautiful snapshot of childhood innocence and wonder. What is that old saying..."ah, to see the world in a grain of sand..." or a tiny little leaf or snail!

  23. What sweet grand daughters you have Stevie!

    I miss my grandson too -- wish he lived closer.

  24. ...This post is wonderful, I especially love the drawings that you found and also the Calvin and Hobbes with the "nude" snowman. Its lovely.
    I have to say though that I'm a man and on the whole I don't really get into bathroom humour. Its not that it offends me it's just that i find it generally boring, predictable and uninspired...



  25. As a first time grandmother, I'm just starting to experience the joy of little ones. Hope you continue to experience that wonder.
    Love & Laughter


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