Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Wishing and Hoping and Dreaming

Look! My stapler has a face. I think he feels the same as me about being here at work today. We both need a vacation in a warm balmy place.


  1. Ha! I've noticed that face before. Very cute to photograph it and give it a personality. :)

  2. Sounds good...if I had a job and a bit of money, Stevie, I'd join you!

  3. Fabulous ... have you seen the commercial where all sorts of household stuff shows off 'smiles' ..

  4. I so glad to know it's not just me, who sees faces everywhere!

  5. I love finding faces in ordinary things. I wish you could go someplace balmy too. Maybe you should just paint a picture of such a place. At least your mind would be there for a few hours.

  6. There is a photographer that was recently on the news about all the smiley faces she sees in EVERYTHING. That is cute - I'm with ya.

  7. Very sad expression! When you do take a vacation you should bring it with you and turn that frown upside down! I hope you fine those hearts. I want to make a few more myself.

  8. me too!!!

    hope we both have one soon

  9. OH! That is so funny...there he is looking at you hoping to come along with you...

  10. That face looks exactly like what I would expect a stapler's face to look like...if that makes any sense:)....I'm off for vacation in hopefully balmy weather in 3 days!

  11. Sometimes the simplest things you post make me laugh. thanks

  12. You have the artists' eye for these things. ha ha I'll never look at my stapler the same way again! Lurve ya!

  13. Good dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you as your information.


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."