Monday, March 30, 2009

A Cautionary Tale

This is my brain pre-menopause, pre-hypothyroid, pre-middle age, pre-brain sucking job.

This is me now; addlepated, scattered, inarticulate, tongue-tied, scrambled-brained mush.

Don't let this happen to you!


  1. Too late! I have scrabbled eggs brain these days, too.

    Better make the best of it -- pass the ketchup!

  2. Hehe, we all have those days when we feel that way.;)
    BUT, I love scrambled eggs.;)
    AND someone who writes such an interesting blog as this one, is in my book very intuitive, fun, creative, articulate, imaginative and smart.
    And will stay that way forever.;)

  3. Oh, great. Now I want to eat Stevie's brains.

  4. How does one avoid it, I wonder? My brain already feels scrambled and mushed after a full day with the kids.

  5. I keep telling myself it is better than they alternative. You are still very creative, articulate, fun, imaginative, smart, intuitive, and beautiful.

  6. Stevie, I'm sure that Musey's guru, the good Dr. West addresses this very vital issue in one of his tomes. Musey, can you please look it up and advise us accordingly? It ain't just Stevie like this, we're legion in fact...

  7. I will look into this post haste. I'm sure it calls for large doses of laudanum, but I will make a complete diagnosis and prognosis this afternoon! Stay toon'd. BTW did you steal Lavinia's scrambled eggs??????

  8. Yes, let's see what the good doctor would advice...I hope it doesn't involve treatments at the local sanitorium.

  9. I've always been that way, am I abnormal for God's sake?

  10. If it's the job, the perhaps it's time for a job change?

    If it's thyroid or menopause, well, I hope you're getting a hand from your doctor.

    You are too wonderful to have less than a wonderful life.

  11. Oh dear...sounds like your warning is too late...we're all in the same predicament!

  12. Wasn't that nice of Lavinia to drive you over to Dr. West's office? He has posted his diagnosis and suggested treatment on my blog.

    He was wondering, if perhaps when you are feeling a bit better, if you might draw a likeness of him. He says with or without his pince-nez would be fine. :-)

  13. it's your murky menopausal misery that mystifies me!
    meeny menos...yuk, so glad mine are long gone!

  14. Stevie, the truth is at the birdbath!!!

  15. Stevie - plottings and shady dealings are happening at the birdbath (so what's new?!!!!) Avoid Lavinia like the plague. I have the prescription to cure your blahs!

  16. You are too funny!

    I have a nice little link on my page now for you dear! With that beautiful drawing, of course. :)


  17. *pant, pant, puff, wheeeeeeze!*

    STEVIE! Get to the Birdbath quick. The best thing has happened.
    Run. Make haste. What?!!!! You're still here?!!!!! You better hurry up!

  18. Poor Stevie. I have just been bragging about your wonderful book selection. Didn't it all go so fast? We were young and here we are. Oh well, we're still cute. I repeat that to myself many times a day. I figure it's not hurting anything. You are still very creative and you have a magnificent blog. You go S.W.!!!

  19. Sounds like Richard Gere is here to make you forget about all of your problems...mushy brain and all! Lucky you!:)

  20. thank goodness you haven't lost your sense of humor! you crack me up!! seriously!

  21. My brain isn't scrambled... it's fried. It sure was over easy.

  22. Too late for me. It's already taken hold. :0


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."