Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fallen Leaves

The mottled underside of fallen leaves stopped me literally in my tracks today. After grabbing my camera and taking a few photos, I picked up a few leaves and took them inside with me.

I wanted to try and paint one.

I'm not happy with it. It's overworked and doesn't do the original credit. It's clear to me that I need a lot of practice. It's been a long time since I got out my paints and brushes. I'll have to give this one another try.


  1. You did very well! I am so impressed; you captured the spirit of the leaf, if one can say so. The colours are also totally right on and I love the shade - you are indeed talented.;)

  2. You are your worst critic! It is so beautiful!

  3. Well, to all of you artists it may look overworked, but to us normal's beautiful!

  4. Betsy is exactly right. I think it's stunning. You're incredibly talented.

  5. I think this is wonderful! and not overworked...

  6. I think it is quite good. The colors are subtle yet you have lots of texture and detail which you might be calling overworked. I call it just right!.

  7. wow wow wow it is lovely, don't try again, perfect just as it is. whew.

  8. Perhaps you should put this away for the day, and take another look tomorrow, with a fresh eye - it's really quite lovely...

  9. I think your water-colour is really lovely. You have captured the crispiness of an autumn leaf and in some way the decay also... The colours are exactly right.


  10. I wouldn't change it a bit. If this is what I did rusty I would be dancing around and cartwheels, if I could. You picked up the perfect little details and the color is great. You are gifted and I love your art.

  11. Thank you for all your nice comments. I think it looks better online than it does in real life. It shows up lighter online. It is muddier in real life.

    All in all, I'm glad I finally got the paint out. It has literally been packed away in an old thrift store suitcase. I've been thinking lately that I would like to find someone to take lessons from again.

  12. Paint is a different beast than the pencils, chalks, etc. It's not as forgiving. But regardless I still lurve it! Beautiful!

  13. I agree with everyone...lovely efforts.

  14. Can I please have some of your offcasts then? I adore this!!!

  15. i actually love this painting! hope you keep working at it!!

  16. I beg your pardon...but how can you not be happy with that painting?! I love it!


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."