.....the screams of our frustration?!!
If you read my previous post today, you will have discovered that my son was going to come over to (finally) finish remodeling my bathroom that has been out of commission for about 3 years.
See, here are his tools.....

See, here he is drilling (trying) holes to hang the shower door.

Oops, the bit broke. Okay, here is my credit card.....(he's off to Lowes for a replacement).
While he's gone, I put the finishing touches on his "I appreciate all your hard work meal."
(I didn't take a picture, but we had homemade spaghetti, toasted sour dough bread with drizzled olive oil, Parmesan cheese and green salads.)
See, here we are having lunch and some nice mother/son conversation (Any nice girls in your life? What have you been up too? You're not a cad, sleazeball, libertine or masher are you...mother did teach you better than that didn't she?). Sweet son went/escaped back to work.
See, here he is back too soon...."I have good news"...he was able to get the holes drilled this time. "I have some bad news too"...some grout was knocked out by the vibration of the drill.

We both agree...there's something evil about that bathroom. It has a mind of its own and refuses our best efforts to finish the job!
See, there he goes again, this time to the tile store to see if this color of grout can be matched cause we are all out.
Behold evil personified!
See, he's back again...."they had to order the grout, it'll be Tuesday before it comes in...."
Listen carefully and you will hear my new mantra....
One day it will be finished...one day it will be finished...one day it will be ........