Friday, February 13, 2009

Blicky Kitty's Kar-ma-thon

Blicky Kitty recently challenged bloggers to take advantage of Valentine's Day to spread the love around. He urged us to rise above any memories of less than sincere V-day expressions of love and fidelity. Instead he challenged us to "create a special Valentine's Day post where you give a really thoughtful, meaningful compliment to someone you know. It could be a loved one, acquaintance or friend. Also you could give a compliment to someone and write about it. Make a stranger's day by telling her she looks pretty in that outfit! Let someone know that you see something cool and special about them.

My sweet nothings belong to my son Daniel because he surprised me with flowers at work yesterday. When the FedEx guy came in with the box, I pointed to the back of the office and said "you might as well take it back there" meaning give it to Mandy. She has a boyfriend you see. My boss has a boyfriend too, but he wouldn't be sending flowers to the office, since he was already in Florida with her. So yeah Mister FedEx guy, walk on past me with that box. Imagine my surprise when he plops it down and says "it's got your name on it" and walks out leaving me with my mouth gaping. I went outside to call my son to say thank you because I didn't want to cry in the office.

My second shout out of love goes to my daughter, the new mother, who gave me a baggie of my favorite candy and a card when I went by to see the adorable new grandson last night . She always says the nicest things in her cards to me. She makes me cry too.

My youngest son came by this week. He is having to re-glue and re-grout the tile in my bathroom. Poor thing, he is my official honey-do guy. We had dinner together. When he leaves he always give me the big bear hugs that I adore.

Texas son Brandon will be in Georgia next week for business. He is making special arrangements to take a half day off so he can drive 2 1/2 hours to see his newest nephew. I think you will agree that there is something special about a guy who will go out of his way to see a baby not his own.

On the same topic, son Daniel drove 2 hours to see same baby for 20 minutes while mother and son were still in the hospital. Son TJ valiantly spent the night at the hospital awaiting the birth and then went back another day for another look at the new one.

So to conclude this Valentine's Day lovefest....I just have to say....I may not have a sweetheart of my own... but I have the best children in the world. I love you one and all!



  1. Steviewren you are mightly blessed and surrounded with love. I hope this awarness stays with you year long. Happy Valentines Day from anohter admirer.

  2. You are a fortunate mom (and grandmom!) indeed.

    I love getting flowers and other goodies too---anythign really!---at work. Gives a real lift to the day. The flowers are quite lovely and so is your post. I'm going to be posting on karma thon all day long....check my blog now and again.....


  3. Aww, you do have the sweetest kids, Stevie!

    Happiest Valentine's Day to you, as well, dear friend! <3

  4. What a beautiful post! Sounds like those kids all like each other!...that is a tribute to a great mother I would say:)

  5. Happy Saint Valentine's Day Steviewren! The love of children is the sweetest and purest love and you have such a beautiful abundance.
    Hugs, Pat

  6. I just noticed the new photo of your grandson....the booties are finished! and he is adorable in his blue outfit....

  7. Oh I would have lost it in the middle of the office.

    You must be a special mom to now be able to enjoy a bunch of people who are so loving to you and to each other.

    Did you knit that whole ensemble on that little sweetie? It looks familiar. Brava!

    Here, brought you over a hot toddy and some chocolate dipped strawberries I managed to wrestle away from Musey and Lavinia.

  8. Blicky, I crocheted the outfit. One bootie is bigger than the other, but babies move around a lot. Maybe no one will notice. My daughter said, "good thing you got both arms the same length"....thanks Rach!

  9. Just a quick hello. I have been for neglecting everything blog related the past week! Hopefully Monday I will be back in full swing! Have a wonderful weekend! I will be back to catch up on all your posts. Looking forward to new baby pictures!

  10. Happy Valentine's Day Stevie. Your life is full of love. What more could any mom ask for?

  11. Thoughtful indeed... it must run in the family! You are well loved.

  12. Very nice indeed. You sure did raise them right. :)


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