Sunday, February 22, 2009

In times like these, it helps to recall that there have always been times like these. - Paul Harvey

Phone rings...."okay, I'm on my way"....because together two can do anything....

first stop-liquid fortification

second-Gramma's holds baby while Mother takes her shower

the little helper

third thing-getting a big pot of soup started-dinner
tonight and lunch all week scratched off the list

everything's better now-happy baby with his clean and happy mother


  1. Aren't you glad you live close enough to run over and help!? Very sweet! And I do remember that feeling of not being able to get a shower and things falling apart! :)

  2. All three of you look happy! Thanks for taking us along!

  3. Your grandbaby is an absolute doll!!!

  4. Beautiful! "It takes a grandma to (help) raise a child" doesn't it!

    Reminded me of all the help my mother provided, you know another pair of hands makes all the difference in the world to a new mom.

  5. You are a sweet, sweet mother and I'm quite sure that you are a bright ray to Rachel.

    When Tukes was a newborn my own mom came zipping to my aid (2 hour drive) one day when I seriously thought I was about to fall apart. Her presence was all I needed.

    Sweet baby boy!

  6. Ooo! So wonderful! Thank you for sharing this!


    P.S. The soup looks nummy!

  7. aaaaawwww what a sweetie pie. and your daughter is so pretty too, so young looking. ain't it so fabadabadoo being a grandma....???

  8. One of these days if I become a Grandma you can bet I'll run when called. Stevie your grandbaby is an absolute doll.

  9. It's wonderful that you can leap to the new Mummy's rescue when she needs it.


  10. how great you look as grandma!! and the little guy is just precious!! i'm so happy for you and your entire family!

  11. That pic of you and little prince in the mirror is fabulous!!

  12. Aww nice. I love the photo reflection.. great shot. And you and your daughter sure do look alike. :)

  13. Nice homely photos Steviewren. Lovely babe and Mum. - Dave

  14. I love that quote! So true!

    How sweet of you to drop everything so a new mama could have a shower and a chance to revive:)

  15. Stevie you don't know how lucky you are to be able to do this, and your daughter is so lucky to have your help! I don't know how my son and DIL got through the early days all alone. It's so ahrd to be far away.

    Elijah is a doll!

  16. Rachel how sweet and beautiful Mother! This photo is so wonderful! And yes, baby Elijah is definitely America's next top model:) Loved your presentation, so cool:) I said big HELLO for both of them from Istanbul:)


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."