Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Everything Nice

Thanks everyone for sending us your prayers and best wishes for the birth Elijah Taylor. Both Mother and Father are so proud of their sweet little one. He is already loved by so many it is hard to get a turn to hold him.

Rachel went into labor a week early. I had made plans months ago to go to Atlanta for the day with one of my daughter in laws and two granddaughters to see the King Tut exhibit. Rachel woke me early to tell me her symptoms. After talking and weighing our chances and upon her urging, I went ahead with the plans for the day. Our time to see the exhibit was early and we decided that we could make the 2 1/2 hour trip home as soon as need be. After checking in with Rachel around 2 pm we decided to go the few extra miles to Ikea for some quick shopping. (quick is said with a bit of sarcasm). Meantime, Rachel's labor progressed steadily if not somewhat slowly. The expectant couple left for the hospital finally around 7:30 pm. I made it to the hospital around 10:30 with plenty of time to spare as our little prince was born at 3:51 am February 3rd.

He looks like his father. In the light his hair looks like it might be strawberry blonde. He's awfully cute. But I am biased that way! Or maybe I should say I'm blessed that way.

Sons are a heritage from the Lord.
children are a reward from Him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
Are sons born in one's youth.
Blessed is the man
Whose quiver is full of them.
Psalm 127: 3-5


  1. He is so precious! Your quiver is filling up with these wonderful blessings! Happy to hear everyone is well. Blessings to all of you, Stevie!

    Willow x

  2. I loved seeing some more pictures of him!! I can't STAND not getting to hold him! Look at those feet - total sweetness, tip to toe.

    Congrats, Gramma to 8!

  3. Congratulations to your whole family on the arrival of a new addition!

  4. Congrats Grandma - Nana - Grammy etc. He's looking pretty good! Blessings my friend.

  5. What a handsome little fellow. He looks just perfect. 10 fingers, 10 toes.

  6. Thanks for sharing, Stevie! He is beautiful. I am so happy for your Rachel, and for you -- what a precious blessing. Praise God!

  7. Congratulations! I have been so bad at visiting lately. How excited everyone must be! I agree he is so cute! I am glad everyone is well. Looking forward to seeing more pictures.

  8. Isn't he cute?!! Hearty congratulations! Keep posting pictures!

  9. Beautiful baby boy!...He is absolutely gorgeous! Great pictures. It sounds like you had a very busy, action packed day that ended just perfectly!

  10. Your baby is so beautiful. I know you are crazy about him. What a neat name too. You were here Monday and didn't let me know. I could have jumped over to IKEA. It's only a couple of miles away. Next time let me know. You are going to have so much fun with little Prince Elijah!


  11. Oh, Stevie! Congratulations to everybody! I'm so happy for you.

  12. Utterly adorable! How sweet, how precious is he....

    Congratultions Steviewren on the birth of another grandchild. Truly, you are a very blessed grandmother.

  13. You may be biased, but you're not wrong. That child is a little beauty. What a joy. :) Congrats to all.

  14. Congratulations on your new grandson Stevie wren, and to his Mom and Dad - Dave

  15. Oh, my gosh! He is so incredibly beautiful! Congratulations to the whole family!!!


  16. He's absolutely beautiful! God bless all of you in your joy!


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."