Friday, February 27, 2009

One for the Resume?

Recently, I've picked up some new skills at work. One of them involves rubber bands, a steady hand and a keen eye. Do you think I should add my new expertise to my resume?


  1. Nice photo Stevie!

    A worthy and useful skill you've developed... perhaps not very marketable!

  2. Hehe ... if I may, should be added. After all, is a job. (Smile)

  3. Kat, I got some instruction from inter-office experts on how to not do that to myself!

    You can see we don't have enough to do at work. I've been complaining about that for months. We think we will be merged with the other local office sometime next month. We are understandably worried about all that will entail. Que Sera Sera!

  4. Everyone needs a rubber band specialist!

  5. It's an enviable talent. I'm not a masochist so I never mastered it. I always ended up inflicting pain upon my own person. Go, Stevie!

  6. Yes, definitely a skill! And you could threaten the powers above you with stinging snaps at the time of the merger! ;)

  7. I would keep that talent to myself. Why let everyone in on your secret? How could you plan a surprise attack?

  8. Yes, by all means! My best shot at work was an angle shot to the ceiling, and the rubberband landed in the pocket - IN THE POCKET, mind you, of Tom Shannon.

  9. for sure. and your blog floats my boat! hows our little baby boy doing?

  10. That skill alone should get you a raise! Hehe...:)


  11. This skill could be quite handy in meetings when Joe Soap falls yes I think you should add it to your resume.
    That darling baby boy looks so cute all in blue!

  12. Stevie my mind is fuzz, and I can't come up with a 'snappy' comment for your post. Have you ever tried taking scissors to rubber bands, it makes a most satisfying sound as you cut. Now how would I know that?!?!

  13. too funny!!! sorry you're not busy and that there is a pending merge but i am glad to see you've found delightful ways to cope. hee hee

    the pic of your grandson has me so looking forward to monday when we'll get to meet our new grandson. the c-section starts at 7:30 so we should have the little guy with us by 7:45!! i have some cute shots planned for my monday evening blog post!

  14. LOL! My mailman leaves rubber bab\nds on my door step every day --I ahve a growing collection too!


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."