Saturday, February 7, 2009

that's not what I think it it?

You don't think little dude is throwing his peeps their gang signs, do you?

Maybe he is just practicing the sign for "I love you!"

Here I am with that big smile that Debby rightly imagined on my face.

If you think he looks a little jaundiced it is because he is. His bilirubin level is up, but the doctor said not to worry...sit him in sunlight. He should leave this orange stage behind soon.


  1. Fraid so, Stevie - he in in da hood now and showing his stuff. Such a cutie though!

  2. You are so funny. What a handsome little boy.

  3. You are a doting grandma Steviewren - Dave

  4. I love this picture of you and your sweet baby. He is so adorable. So very darling!

  5. He's perfect. What a sweetie pie. The photo of the two of you is just lovely. :)

  6. No, no. Those are not gang signs. That was a salute for grandma. I love the picture of the two of you.

  7. Stop it, stop it, stop it.
    Stop making me clucky... I am rock solid in my "only two kids" dept until someone shows photos like this. *sigh* Gotta go pull myself together before Mr Incredible comes home, or the show's over (and number three will be on the way!!).

    Too cute. Waaaay too cute.

  8. Congratulations on your newest Grandbaby!!! He is such a doll!

  9. Oh my! a great picture of you and Elijah...he is gorgeous!

  10. What an angel-pie! He is so cute! That made my day a little brighter. Congrats and I hope his orangey glow is gone soon. God bless. ♥ ∞

  11. Adorable pic of you and the little prince!!!

  12. he is da best! you gonna luv him like no other love in da hole world! congrats stevie wahooo. my little sweetie pie is now 3 weeks old.

  13. can't stop looking at him. thos ehands are soo big. how much did he weigh at birth? maybe we can hook him up with maggie in a dozen years or so? tee hee. 'happiness is being a grandma' this also your first?

  14. Oh, so cute: My son had Bilirubin. I had to get a shop light for him to sleep under. It cleared up in no time.

    Just precious.

    sherrie roberts

  15. Aaayyy aaayyy... look those two-Angel hearts together. Happiest you, merriest baby. Congrats from the deep inside my heart, Steph. I like the photo of you both very much:)

  16. Chubby baby fingers! The best! Love love love them......!

    He is so precious.....what an adorable, adorable baby!!!


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."