Friday, February 20, 2009

give me your opinion, please

I bought curtains for my bedroom. But, I haven't taken them out of the package because I'm not sure I love them.

I had an orange floral pattern on a white or cream background in mind. I saw something like it in a movie or television show. I can't find anything remotely like that. Anyway my budget is limited. I don't think I could afford them if I could find them, since there is nothing like what's in my mind in any of the discount or chain stores.

What do you think? Keep or return?


  1. They look fun and cheery to me! I love curtains that liven up a room:) I say hang those puppies up!

  2. I can't tell until I see them against the wall. What color are your walls?

  3. If you are not sure then I say take them back and tell the universe what you are looking for and it will show up. I know for myself if there is not an instant connection I would not be satisfied. go with your gut feeling.

  4. Marie, I'm tempted to do that, but in this recessionary time I hate to waste money unless I love the curtains. Honestly, I can't tell if I love them without hanging them up though....I'm stuck aren't I?

    Debby, the walls are beige, but as soon as I get myself in gear I want to paint the room a pale gray. The bedspread is pumpkin orange. The gray will blend with the brown and gray theme in the bathroom. (it doesn't sound very attractive, but it looks good...really)

    Toni, yes that is what I am afraid of....that if I keep the curtains, next year what I want will be for sale everywhere!

  5. Decisions, decisions - I think your comment to Toni is the answer. Just keep looking until you find something you know you'll like whether its still in the package or hanging on your window.

    You're talking to the queen of waiting for the right window treatments - 18 years and still nothing on the doorwalls.

  6. They're kinda cheery, but I vote send them back.

    Maybe you should go ahead and put them up and see what you think. If they're a no go, pack 'em back up and return.

  7. I say put them up and look at them for a day. I think they are pretty. The colors in your room sound great. I have never heard of the World Market, I will have to check that site out later.

  8. Hi Steviewren. I like these curtains and I went on the world market site and they look good there too. I know exactly how you feel, as I went through this with a comforter a few weeks ago. It was on sale and it was in the colours I wanted and I carried it around the store for half an hour asking myself do I really like it?? Do I???

    Sometimes its hard to know your own mind. I vote that you put them up, unless the store has a strict no-return policy if they have been removed from the packaging. Most places would understand, however, if you put them up, just to see how you liked them, and then decided to return them.

    Let us know how this pans out!

  9. I like them! Really I do. I hope you can use them, if not where you want, how about somewhere else?


  10. I would return them if you aren't entirely happy, and you do seem to have doubts. But your commenters appear to be very split so there isn't a firm vote there for you.

    Thanks for visiting my postcards. Let me know if you do decide to do another swap. :)

  11. I vote to keep them! They're cute and happy! :) In the end though, if you can't love them, maybe what I say doesn't matter.

    Good luck!!!


  12. I don't have curtains on most of my windows for the simple reason that I never could make a decision...They look pretty from here but you never know until you put them up....can't you take them back if you don't like them?

  13. Sorry......I'm not qualified!!!!!

  14. I wouldn't settle for what I didn't love. You'll just want to keep looking. Might as well do that now.

  15. I agree with Toni and Willow...
    if your doubting that's a good sign you need to take them back and send out a vibe for what you really want!

  16. I looked at the World Market website but in their presentation the curtians look paler than the ones you that what is troubling you? Perhpas when they are opened up and hanging the colors won't be so bright?

    They have a nice crewel work pattern,very unique, and I can see the artist in you liking them. I wonder if their color matches well with your bedspread? Maybe buy one more set and use the fabric to make throw pillows for the bed and it will all pull together? Now you have to show us photos when your room is completed! :-)

  17. Personally I love them and they seem to go well with your motif. And, the price is right! Sometimes I get tunnel vision when I have something too specific in mind. I hope this helps, although you're the one who has too look at them every day so you'll just have to go with your gut. Do you just not love them, or do you not love them b/c they're not like the ones you originally wanted?

  18. Oh also have you tried

    Check out their "flowering branch curtain" or the "asian poppy" ones... they might be a little more red than orange though.

  19. I say carefully take one out of the package and try it. If you still aren't sure, then return them. I LOVE World Market! :)

    And...I'm tagging you with the letter "H"! :) have fun!

  20. yes, keep! i checked out link to world market, they are pretty and i love the brown busy print in the fabric. +adds many colors to your coverlet.

    i'm blog jumping today and visiting from picket fence blog...

  21. Thanks for your input everyone. As far as I'm concerned I'm still thinking it over. I'll post pictures if I decide to keep them.

  22. I like the curtains! Though it's difficult to say without seeing them against the wall. Paint a large piece of cardboard in the wall colour you are thinking of and see them together. The curtains look great on the World market site......but if in doubt turf them out.

    Your new banner is gorgeous! what else is new?

  23. if you can put them up and see, then do it, but with curtains, i believe if you are doubtful, say NO and take them back, i have made so many mistakes in my time, that is why i will not pay exorbitant prices for these items.

  24. btw i love your header, now that would make a great lively curtain.hugs.

  25. It was fun to read all of the curtain comments! We sure are a split crowd!

  26. i love them and actually could see them in my bedroom. i love orange and then the combination with the other colors especially the brown is just great!!


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