Friday, January 2, 2009

Resolve to Reflect In 2009

The act or process of thinking:
• thought
• brainwork
• cerebration
• cogitation
• contemplation
• mental activity
• musing
• pondering
• rumination
• wondering
• meditation
• speculation
Careful consideration of a matter:
• deliberation
• advisement
• calculation
• contemplation
• debate
• evaluation
• examination
• meditation
• pondering
• rumination
• speculation
• study


  1. Hello Stevie, Please forgive me for being so bold, but I am doing a bit of blog surf to invite people to sign up for my giveaway. There are no gimmicks. This is just my way of celebrating two years of blogging. On January 4th I am giving away a free caricature drawn by me. I'd be honored if you came by and signed up for a chance to win.

  2. oh, stevie, you've captured my heart with this photo! you KNOW how i love photos with reflections. very nice list and what better time of year to practice a little bit of that reflection?

    take care!

  3. Good photo!
    January is the perfect month for reflections: there's so little to do.
    Sparky ♥ ∞

  4. Beautiful reflection photograph...and my brain hurts just reading all those thinking words!

  5. Happy New Year! Your Mom does know how to decorate for Christmas. Looks like everyone had such a good time. Love the pictures of trying to capture that one perfect picture. I like the "What I am up to Right Now" feature on your sidebar.
    I am looking forward to seeing that sweater!
    Where did December go?
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  6. What a thoughtful list!
    Happy New Year.

  7. I had to pop over and check out the larger view of this picture. Very nice! Great photo to reflect on.

  8. Upon reflection, um - if you say so.... ? Good photo Seviewren. - Dave

  9. That is funny you mention the dress garland. While I was at your site I saw it on the side bar and clicked over to the blog. It looks like a lot of fun. I am thinking about it!
    The clementines are so good. I have found my new favorite fruit!

  10. Beautiful reflections to start off a wonderful year.

  11. hi~
    i am christine from PENANG,MALAYSIA!!
    Do you want to swap a postcard with me??
    Where do you from??
    Please let me know by email.
    My email add is
    Hope to receive your mail soon!!

  12. Wonderful list and reflection is a good resolution. We saw the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" this weekend and it made us very reflective! Very well done movie.

    I love your sidebar additions. Does Safran Foer narrate his own novel on tape or does an actor do it? He lives in Brooklyn!

  13. Pat, I don't know who is reading the book. I'll look tomorrow. It is out in the car. Thanks for the tip about the movie. I've wondered if it was worth the $9.50 ticket.

  14. Steviewren, there was no comment link for your next blog of the children and the snail, etc. I had to comment how much I liked this blog. Well done! - Dave

  15. Steviewren, there was no comment link for your next blog of the children and the snail, etc. I had to comment how much I liked this blog. Well done! - Dave


I'm glad you stopped by and I look forward to your comments. As Dr. Fraser Crane would say, "Hello, I'm listening."