Jean from Tales from a Cottage Garden is posting holiday snaps every Tuesday. She's invited everyone to join in, so today I'm posting a couple of pictures from my 2001 vacation.
I choose these particular photos because I was inspired by Zuzana's, Life Though Reflections, post today about her recent holiday to her sister's chateau in the same region.
As part of a 2 week tour, we spent a couple of days in Montreux, Switzerland which is beautifully located on Lac Leman or Lake Geneva, as it is known in English. While we were there, we drove though the fabulous countryside, past mountainside vineyards, to Gruyere where we explored the old town known for it's famous cheese.

Pat from Mille Fiore Favoriti recently returned from a trip to San Francisco. She has a beautiful collage of photos on her blog as well. By visiting Jean, Zuzana and Pat, you can take 3 wonderful, quick, sightseeing trips to some of the world's most beautiful spots.