Eventually, I found my identity in a question asked by the oldest. She, younger sister and parents were on their way to my home. When the girls were told they where they were going, the oldest asked a question to clarify which grandparent's home (they have lots of g-parents, step g-parents and great grandparents, so it can be confusing). Her question was this, "You mean the crafty grandmother's house?"
Yes! That's me to a T. I'm the crafty Gramma. It is the role I was made for and I love it.
The past week before my recent trip to Texas, I busied myself making bunting and dolls to take with me.
These are the Wu sisters. They are Chinese adopted babies. Their names are Wu Li, Wu Su, Wu Lui, Wu Gee and Wu Nu. I used the same pattern I used when making dolls with their two Alabama cousins. The idea for the doll's nationality came from something one of the TX grands told Rachel and I earlier this summer. When asked how many babies she was going to have she told us none....she was going to adopt Chinese baby girls instead.
After going through my years old stash of fabric a few weeks ago, I remembered a project that I'd seen on Etsy and wanted to make. I realized that many of the fabrics that I had in the give away bags would be perfect. I went to work cutting out triangles and sewing them together with quilter's binding. Easy peasy! I hung them on the wall above Rachel's old Fisher Price kitchen set. (It came down from the attic when grandchild #1 was a toddler and has been a favorite play toy at my house ever since) to take photos. I have plans and dozens of triangles of fabric ready to make a set of bunting for every grandchild's bedroom.

Yep, crafty Gramma is the perfect title for me. I feel perfectly capable knowing I have lots of crafting know-how to pass along to each of them. It doesn't hurt that I also have the equivalent of a craft store of supplies in my basement.
Oooooo,OOoooooo,Ooooooo! I have a little girl that looks almost JUST like your pretty lil Wu sisters! DARLING! I just love them!
ReplyDeleteThe bunting is so festive and girly too.
LOVE the crafty grandma!!! COOL STUFF.
I just love this post Steviewren!!! You are such a wonderful Gramma!! It is great that you are crafty...i am all thumbs!!! I guess I am the one that always plays with them...we play hide-n-seek, pirate ship,and whatever their creative little minds can come up with...once i was the patient at the grandkid hospital, and i was going to have to have my leg amputated because I stepped on a toothpick! :-) They just crack me up sometimes! :-)...I just love the Wu Sisters...what a wonderful project...:-)
ReplyDeleteVery cool .. I love those dolls, I want one of those dolls .. and the photo of you with #9 .. awesome!
ReplyDeletethose dolls are so adorable - my nieces would be crazy for you.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that you found your "Gramma" niche. You are very gifted and I am sure along with all of your craftiness there is lots of Gramma love to go around too! :)
ReplyDeleteYou are SO much the Crafty Gramma! That is perfect for you and you do it SO well.
ReplyDeleteI imagine I will be a Cookie Baking Gramma. :)
Love and miss you Gramma/Steph!!
ReplyDeleteAn absolutely perfect name for you. Those dolls are adorable.. and the dressed up kidlets.. so precious. I hope that when their dad shares the video, that you will as well. Your #9 is a miniature you... so sweet.
ReplyDeleteOh, I think your grand kids must be very happy with a crafty grandma.;) Not having ids, I have no idea what it feels to be like a mom... not to mention a grand mother.;))
ReplyDeleteLove all the craft here.;)
You should make yourself a blue ribbon because I think that you are currently in first place in the 'running of the grandmas'!
ReplyDeleteCrafty Gramma is so much less fattening than Cookie-Baking Gramma! And cookies are gone in an instant, whereas sweet little Chinese sister dolls can last forever! You are a SMART Gramma!
ReplyDeleteCrafty Grandma is such a title to cherish, Stevie. Like Betsy, I hope to be "Cookie Nonna" one day. Your dolls are adorable -- I think an ETSY shop is in your future! I would buy one!
ReplyDeleteLove the photo of you with #9 Congratulations!
Steviewren, first of all its amazing that you are a grandma 9 times over - you look far too young! Crafty Gramma sounds perfect.
ReplyDeleteI love your adopted Chinese babies. A friend of mine has an adopted daughter from China and she would love one of these dolls - do you sell them on Etsy at all?
Off for a catch up now.
You just may be the best ever grandma! Oh my I am glad I don't have to compete with you! I just may have to dust off my sewing machine:)...love the dolls and that bunting...I saw a photo of a bunting made out of old jeans hung in a boy's room that I would love to try to make for Mr J...
ReplyDeletePerfect! As a new Grandma, I've been wondering the same thing, esp. long distance. Right now, I'm just Anna's Nana, and that's enough for me! But I do look forward to teaching her how to play drums. So that might be unique. :)
ReplyDeleteYou have been blessed by a talent and your Grands will remember this forever.
ReplyDeleteYes. I agree, Crafty Grandma is a perfect name for you Stevie. - Dave
ReplyDeletesuper cute dolls.
ReplyDeleteThat REALLY is a perfect Grammy name for you! ha ha Lurve the pic with #9!
ReplyDeleteVery cool ! LOve the chinese dolls and the bunting.
ReplyDeleteCrafty Grandma sounds good !
WTG! Crafty grandma! Perfect identity!!
ReplyDeleteThe chinese dolls are adorable and so is the bunting!
Congrats on your POTW award!!
How special! From reading this I can imagine that they just love you for being you and are blessed to have such a good grandma. Your crafts are pretty cool and I'm sure they love coming to your house. :) Congrats on POTW mention!
ReplyDeleteI like that; the crafty grandma, your dolls are adorable.
ReplyDeleteA lot of bloggers are crafters too and the word 'crafty' has taken on a new meaning for me since I started blogging. It means very intelligent and cunning and it means a person who has a knack for crafts as well. You're very good at what you do.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your POTW mention.