Friday, October 31, 2008


"I like spring, but it is too young. I like summer, but it is too proud. So I like best of all autumn, because its tone is mellower, its colours are richer, and it is tinged with a little sorrow. Its golden richness speaks not of the innocence of spring, nor the power of summer, but of the mellowness and kindly wisdom of approaching age. It knows the limitations of life and its content."|
- Lin Yutang


  1. better call me Autumn then.

  2. I must admit my favorite season is summer. But the colors of fall are too much to ignore. I love the golden tones...the way the sunlight makes my rooms just glow...summer not so much.
    have a wonderful November!

  3. Gorgeous. I love these golden days, I drink them in.

  4. Hello Alabama. I come to you via the good old black box widget all the way from France. I think my favourite season is spring and tulips are my favourite flowers. I have hundreds and hundreds in my garden and I get very impatient waiting for them.

    Come and see me (even though you have Manilow love)

  5. Hi Steph,
    Oh first-come, first-served as said. But sounds like it's inapplicable for our p/cards exchange, sadly.. Today a new snake arrived, Willow's into my mailbox:) I loved it very much. At present I got 6/11.
    Beside this update, I LOVED your photos posted below on heebie-jeebies. You are so beautiful lady:) One day you might whisper us what's your beauty secrets;)
    Happily it's November. One by one we're coming closer to my favorite summer:) I think everyone on this space knows how much I'm a crazy deep lover of summer, can't wait.
    Is it redberries on the photo? If so it's the red dash I love so much.
    Wishes for a Happy November & Spooktacular Halloween.

    PS Special thanks for changing yr background color to be lighter one. Black is the one I dislike, and nothing in my wardrobe to be black -oh except a few pairs of shoes.

  6. That was a great quote. Thanks. Strider

  7. Autumn is my favourite season too.
    I have just been catching up with your last two or three entries and enjoyed them all. Your blog is great! - Dave

  8. Beautiful quote, I completely agree. Autumn is at its peak of loveliness right now. I should have had my camera as I ran around today, I saw so many beautiful sights. I hope I remember them all tomorrow when I head back out, camera firmly round my neck!

  9. We are on the same wavelength today, I think.

  10. LOve this quote and all your Halloween decorations! It looks like you ahd a great hiliday!


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